FGCs for ACB Youth

The ACB-FGC for youth (also called the Youth-Led ACB-FGC) is a new, first-in-Ontario model to support ACB youth preparing to transition out of the child welfare system. The goal is to build the relational supports ACB youth will need when transitioning out of care. This program includes the following components:

Training ACB-FGC Coordinators:

Building on existing best practices from the FGC program for ACB families, coordinators in the youth-led FGC receive specialized training in youth-centred, trauma-informed practice.


Coordinators receive a referral from the CAS. Youth are referred at least six months before their transition out of care.

Review the Youth Plan:

Coordinators meet with the youth to review their existing Youth Plan developed with their case worker. Coordinators work with the youth and their CAS worker to update the plan based on their current goals. Once goals are finalized, coordinators work with the youth to identify key relational supports that can support youth in achieving those goals once they transition.

Conference Planning and Connecting with Relational Supports:

With the youth’s consent, coordinators connect with friends, family, peers, community members, faith leaders and organizational staff, Youth in Transition Workers and other supports the youth identifies in their youth plan to participate in the conference and commit to lasting relationships that will sustain the youth in their post CAS journey.

Family Group Conference:

The ACB-FGC model brings together relational supports to finalize the plan and responsibilities of those attending the conference to support the youth’s transition. It is also an opportunity to facilitate a restorative process that addresses the impact of CAS involvement on the youth, their families, and the extended networks.

Ongoing Support:

Unique to the Youth-Led model is an approach to ongoing support once the youth has transitioned out of care to support the long-term stability of their relational supports.